Fire Station #50, North University City
About the Client/Project
Platt/Whitelaw Architects, design consultant to RABC/ECC Joint Venture Constructors, provided Architectural Design-Build Services for a new three-story, 16,077sf Fire Station and site improvements for the City of San Diego.
Project Challenge
In order to meet the expected schedule, the Client proposed early permit packages for Grading and Stormwater, Underground Wet Utilities, and Foundation and Frame. While these permits were under construction, the Building Permit package was being developed and approved thru DSD to catch up with the end of the early permit construction.
Architectural Solution
The Fire Station, based on existing D-B bridging documents, accommodates 10 crew members and includes three (3) apparatus bays for fire engines and ambulances, dorm rooms, kitchen, watch room, ready room, station alerting system, Vehicle Exhaust system, Solar PV system, training classroom, and site improvements. Elements include Drawings, Specs, Permits, Presentations, ADA/Title 24, LEED, Commissioning, Public Art, Underground Utilities, Biological, archaeological, Paleontological, BMPs, Storm Water Control Plan, Surveying, Environmental, Landscaping, Traffic signals, Right of Way, QC/QA, safety programs, Hazardous Materials, Voice/Cable/Data and coordination of Utilities.
Final Result
The Fire Station was completed in December 2020.