Membrane Filtration Reverse Osmosis Facility & Intermediate Booster Pump Station
About the Client/Project
Platt/Whitelaw was retained by Brown and Caldwell to design an Membrane Filtration Reverse Osmosis Facility (MFRO) and Intermediate Booster Pump Station (IBPS) for the site in Escondido, CA. Design-Build Joint Venture – Filanc and Brown and Caldwell are the builders for this project. Recycled water from the Escondido Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility will be routed to the MFRO facility, which will treat and output 2 million gallons per day for the area’s agricultural users, including avocado farms, which produce $40 million in annual revenue.
Project Challenge
MFRO fronts a busy street along with adjacent industrial PEMB buildings, and the challenge was treating the facade with visual interest while working with a limited budget. IBPS is fronted by residences and situated on existing park grounds. The design of the building was required to fit within the neighborhood context. Design aesthetics, traffic and pedestrian circulation, noise and security were some of the constraints we had to work with. The program for the PS also required us to integrate two all gender restrooms for public use while securing the station grounds.
Architectural Solution
PWA provided full Architectural Design-Build Services (and renderings) for the single story, 36,000sf (MFRO) Membrane Filtration Reverse Osmosis Facility, and for the 2,700sf intermediate Booster Pump Station (IBPS). The MFRO building is a PEMB structure with an Administration wing including a Public Lobby, Conference Room, Lab, Operations Room, Break Room and Locker Shower Facilities and an Operations wing including a Process, Chemical, and Electrical Rooms. The facility is intended to include a roof top PV system to supply all its power.
Final Result
Completion date was the end of 2022.
“The owner went on to state how happy they have been with Platt/Whitelaw’s work; specifically the good advice you offer and your ability to accommodate the needs of the City.” – JP Semper, Managing Engineer, Brown & Caldwell