North Pacific Beach Lifeguard Station
About the Client/Project
The City of San Diego identified a need for a new lifeguard station to serve the stretch of beach between North Pacific Beach Point and Crystal Pier. Several sites and design solutions were studied. Platt/Whitelaw Architects designed the facility to meet the functional needs of the lifeguards while responding to community priorities, as well as those of the regulatory agencies including the Coastal Commission.

Project Challenge
Community resistance to change, site and height constraints, storm water runoff, and Coastal Commission and City requirements. Also construction was not allowed to take place during peak season (summer).
Architectural Solution
Platt/Whitelaw Architects, Inc. worked with the City of San Diego, and stakeholders to provide preliminary design alternatives for a new 3,563sf North Pacific Beach Lifeguard Station. Multiple community outreach events took place to calm community fears and present the design for public input. The facility will be located on the beach at the foot of Law Street, adjacent to a public beach access ramp. Facilities will accommodate a lobby and first aid room to serve the public, a ready room with administrative and kitchen facilities, locker/shower rooms and an observation room. The two and one-half story building is to be built into the coastal canyon to reduce its visual mass. The lower part of the building is designed to flood to accommodate storm surges due to predicted climate change issues.
Final Result
The facility is currently unbuilt. We do hope to complete the design at some point in the future.