North Pleasant Valley Groundwater Desalter Project
About the Client/Project
As subconsultant to the Civil Prime, Brown and Caldwell, Platt/Whitelaw was retained to provide architectural, landscape, structural, mechanical/plumbing and electrical design services for the new NDV Desalter Plant, which would include an administration building/shop building as well as perimeter fencing and site entry for the site. The owner is the City of Camarillo.
Project Challenge
Architectectural style was designed to incorporate into the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, for longevity, the project needed to be durable and low maintenance.
Architectural Solution
Platt/Whitelaw provided architectural design services a 6,540 SF one-story LEED certified Administration/Shop building, 5,500 SF RO/Electrical Pre-fab building and two (2) Pre-fab shade structures for Chemical Storage and Process areas. Services also included design for the perimeter fencing and site entry for the site. This building is located at one of the gateways to the City and houses the Control Room, Shop, Offices, Laboratory and Education Center that are key in Camarillo’s effort to treat groundwater using Reverse Osmosis Technology. This project will reduce dependence on imported water and maximize use of existing groundwater supplies, allowing the City of Camarillo to double the current local groundwater supply production.
Final Result
The grand opening was November 30, 2021. This project was awarded APWA’s Project of the Year (Ventura County), 2022.